Saturday, May 13, 2017

A Banana, A Pickle, And A Penis Are Sitting In A Bar...

They are all bullshitting about their lives and how bad they each have it.

The banana pipes up and says "Man, my life really sucks. Ya know, when I get big, ripe, and juicy they take me, slice me up, and throw me on an ice cold ice cream sundae."

The pickle says "Ha! That's a laugh! I got it 10 times worse than you! Cause' when I get big, ripe, and juicy they take me, slice me up, and throw me on a searing' hot hamburger with all the fixings!"

The penis looks up, chuckles, and says " I got it worse than both of ya! When I get big, ripe. And juicy they take me, stretch a plastic bag over my head, and throw me in a dark room where the bang my head against the wall until I throw up and pass out! And this is at least 3 times a week!"


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