Thursday, December 3, 2015

A Les Mis Joke (from R/Lesmiserables Joke By U/shepy66

Ok, so there were these two guys at a high school, a really weird, lame, goth kid from France, and a really popular rich kid named John. Nobody actually new the French kid's name, but he was strange enough for people to make up their own. Creep, Emo, Lame-ass, Weirdo, and plenty of other (and much worse) names. As an extremely goth kid, he had the full goth getup. Black hair, eyeliner, weird piercings, ripped jeans, you get the picture. But what really made him stand out was this really big chain he wore everywhere. Always. It was his favorite accessory. And this kid really, I mean REALLY hated John. The goth kid fancied himself pretty smart, and thought he was much cooler than he really was. So he was really pissed when John became the class valedictorian. He needed some way to prove to the world that he was better than John. He began bragging to everyone about his parent's land back home in France, hoping to make John jealous. Now John wasn't really sure why, but the idea of a weird goth nobody trying to one-up him really got him mad. He needed some way to prove that he was, in fact, better than the goth kid. He did some research into his family tree to see if he was related to anyone famous, to prove that he was inherently better than the French goth. He struck gold! He discovered that he was the long-lost heir to some obscure duke or duchess in, of all places, France! John brought his proof that he was French royalty to school to show the goth kid how much better he was. Of course, the French kid called bull. John wouldn't take it and started claiming that the goth kid was making up all of his family's fortune. He went on a rant, trying to shame the goth kid by saying how he was just jealous that John had become valedictorian, and not him. This continued for weeks, and at the end of it all, they were both livid. They finally decided there was only way to solve this dispute. They would both go to France and prove their wealth to the other. They convinced their families to vacation there at the same time, and it actually worked! Even more weeks later, they were in the airport, going through security (separately, with their respective families). However, the goth kid had forgot how strict the TSA was, and had (as always) been wearing his favorite chain. He was forced to hand it over to airport security, who said he could get it back upon his return. It was a heart-wrenching experience for the kid, who was never without his trademark chain. But he had no choice but to hand it over. Upon arriving in France, he immediately sought out and bought the first chain he could find, much smaller and much more lackluster than his favorite. But he decided it would have to work for now. Although they couldn't yet meet face to face, he finally managed to coordinate a meeting with John over the phone, and they set off to show off their land to each other. The whole time, John was calling the goth kid all sorts of terrible names, partially due to his insecurity about the size of his land. If it was smaller than a lame goth kids, he wouldn't be able to live with himself. However, what both of the kids failed to realize was that John's dead ancestor lived on the property right next to the French kid's! They were finally about to meet, and got to thoroughly examine and compare their family's land beforehand. They set eyes on each other and calmly approached, determined at the last minute to settle this like civilized humans... "Val. John, at last. We see each other's plains." "Monsieur Lamer, you wear a different chain."


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