Thursday, October 29, 2015

A Frog Walks Into A Bank...

He goes into the attendants office and sits down. "Good evening, ma'am." The frog looks at the mildly attractive woman sitting before him as she greets him with a pleasant smile.

"Good evening," replies, "What can I do for you."

"Well, business is down, you see, and my eldest, he's going to college in the spring, and, well, there is no way I can afford his tuition. I need a loan." He dropped his gaze, staring meekly at the tiled floor.

"First things first," The manager replied, grabbing a form from her desk. "What's your name?"


"Kermit...? You're not Kermit the frog."

"No, No. Kermit Jagger." I was named after him. My father's McJagger."


"Yes, the singer."

"I see." The manager jotted a few lines onto the paper in front of her.

"And you're... Ms. Wack?" The frog asked her, glancing up from the floor at the name tag on her chest.

"Yes, Patty." She stuck her hand out lamely, wiping her palm off on her pant leg as she left his sticky embrace. "There's just one problem with your request." She met his eye over the brim of her glasses. "We simply cannot give you a loan without some sort of collateral."

"Oh. Well, I thought that might be the case, but you see, all I have, my only possession, my only source of pride, is this," he pulled out a small green elephant, trunk raised, with two red eyes.

"Patty could see right away the trinket was of little value, but she looked at the frog, telling him, "Well, I'll see what my manager says," as she stood up from her desk and walked out of the room.

As she walked into her managers office, trinket in hand, her boos looked up from the desk. "Whats up?" he asked her casually.

"Well sir, Kermit McJagger is in my office asking for a loan. I told him we would need collateral, but all her has is this," she said, holding up the elephant. "What is it?"

It's a knick knack, Patty Wack, give the frog a loan! This old guy's a rolling stone!


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