Wednesday, October 7, 2015

As A Robber Was Trying To Enter A House Through The Chimney, The Roof Collapses And He Breaks His Legs.

So the owner of the house and the robber go to settle the matter in court. They both sit in front of the judge and each plea their case.

"The owner of the house is responsible for my broken legs! His house is dangerous, and not suitable for habitation!" the robber demands.

The judge responds, "That is true- you are responsible for those injured on your property if you neglect the condition of your house. What do you have to say for yourself?"

"It is not my fault..." the house owner replies, "it is the fault of the roofer! He is the one who made my roof so poorly!"

Hearing this, the judge orders that the roofer be brought to court.

"You have made his roof faulty, and therefore you are responsible for this poor man's injuries!" the judge demands.

"No, it certainly is not my fault!" the roofer replies, "as I was adding the finishing touches to his roof, a beautiful girl wearing a stunning dress walked by, and I could not bear to keep my eyes off of her! Therefore, I was not able to pay attention to my handiwork, and so I inevitably neglected to complete the roof!"

The judge thinks for a while, and then immediately orders the beautiful girl into the courtroom.

"You have distracted the roofer with your beautiful dresses and are guilty for the injuries of this poor man. How do you explain yourself?"

"It is not our fault that our dresses are beautiful" the girl responds, "it was the last one that the merchant at the corner had in stock, and he had a special deal on it, and it was just so beautiful I could not resist purchasing it!"

The judge squints menacingly, and orders the merchant into the courtroom.

"You have sold this beautiful dress to this young woman, and therefore are responsible for the injuries of this poor man. How do you explain yourself?"

"Well.." the merchant responds, "I did not make the dress as beautiful as it is, I purchased it from the tailor across the river. I've been selling his dresses for him for as long as I can remember!"

The judge, as he has been doing, orders the tailor to the courtroom.

"You have made this beautiful dress, and therefore are responsible for the injuries of this poor man! How could you possibly defend yourself?"

"Well... um... you see..." the tailor replies speechlessly.

"That's it, we have found the culprit, to the cell with him!" the judge yells as he orders his guards to haul the man off to the prison cell.

However, once they reach the cell, they notice that the tailor is so tall that he is unable to stick his head underneath the cell door, making forcing him in it impossible.

"What shall we do now?" the guard says. "We cannot possibly get this man into the cell!"

"I've got it!" the judge replies, after thinking for a while.

So the judge and guards head back to the town, find a shorter tailor, and throw him into the cell instead.


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