Wednesday, May 10, 2017

Three Hobos Are Walking Down The Train Tracks...

And after days of walking and no food in their bellies they find a dead squirrel. Two of the hobos start eating but the third refuses. The first two ask him why and he replies “I’m waiting for a hot meal.”

After eating the squirrel they continue on their way. Along the tracks they find a dead pig. Still hungry the first two start eating the pig and again the third hobo refuses. “I’m waiting for a hot meal.” The first two think him a fool but they eat the pig they continue on their way.

They continue along the tracks until they find a dead cow. Not letting a free meal go to waste the first two start eating the cow, and still the third refuses by saying, “I’m waiting for a hot meal.” The first two try arguing with him “We are three hobos in the middle of nowhere, their ain’t nobody going to give us a hot meal.” Standing firm the third man refuses and the other two eat the cow.

Again they set off down the tracks, but soon the first two hobos start feeling sick and vomit up everything they had eaten. The third hobo says “Finally, a hot meal.”


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