Wednesday, October 7, 2015

First Day Of Sex-ed...

So it's the first day of sex-ed in the 6th grade and they show the students the human reproductive systems. An Asian student, a white student, and a black student have some concerns.

The Asian student goes home and asks his dad: "Dad, why is my dick so much smaller than the one they showed in sex-ed today?"

Dad responds: "Don't worry son, you'll be good at math."

White kids goes home and says: "Dad, why's my dick smaller than the one they showed in sex-ed today?"

Dad responds: "Don't worry, Son. When you get older, you're penis will grow and you'll be the same size too."

The black student goes home and asks: "Dad, why is my dick so much bigger than the one they showed in sex-ed today?"

Dad responds: "Shit, Marcus--You're 23!"


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