Thursday, October 8, 2015

So There's 3 Guys Lost In The Jungle. . .

lets say these 3 guys are Channing Tatum, Jonah Hill & Justin Bieber. They wander for a good while and are eventually captured by cannibals. Upon being captured their hands are tied and black bags are placed over their heads then dragged back to the cannibal's village. Once they are all there the bags are removed and the ropes are untied from their hands. They are now approached by the head chief Shia lebeouff. I am SHIA head chief here of my village. I will let you wandering fools free if you can accomplish one task. Go into the jungle and acquire 10 of the same fruit. The 3 guys are now feeling excited, "wow that's a piece of cake" says Jonah to Channing. So Jonah and Channing take off to look for the fruit while Justin just sits there whimpering. "Well?" Shia the chief says to Justin. Get out there little girl and join your companions or ill eat you now. Justin replies "but its scary out there..." Shia furiously says JUST DO IT!!! justin then ran off into the jungle in search of the 10 fruit. As justin and jonah are still searching channing makes its back and shows shia the fruit he collected. Shia says ah i see you've collected the fruit, 10 apples i see. Yes channing replies I'm free to go now right? No not quite shia replies you have one more task you must insert all the fruit into your ass. WHAT?!?! Channing replies... YES Shia says it must be done every last fruit or you will be eaten on the spot. fuck... 10 apples.. Channing starts off with one and fails on the second so hes eaten... Jonah then returns with 10 cherries and is also told to do the same. Jonah begins with 1 cherry..hmm not to bad he says so he manages 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8 .9 and then just bursts into uncontrollable laughter as he was going to insert the last cherry so fails the task and he is also eaten alive.. so in heaven Channing and Jonah are talking and Channing says so dude why didn't you finish with the last cherry you could have made it back home.. Jonah replies i know i know but i couldn't help it dude i saw Justin running into the village excited as fuck carrying 10 pineapples!


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