Wednesday, June 28, 2017

A Woman Visits Her Gynecologist...

because there is a bee in her vagina. The gynecologist prompltly comes up with the solution and says: "It's quite simple. You ask your husband to smear some honey on his penis. Then he needs to put it inside your vag and wait for the bee to sit down on it. After that he shall pull it out slowly." The woman complains: "Thats a pretty good idea. But my husband is a trucker and out of town for the next 3 days, could'nt you just do that?" The doctor agrees and starts the procedure. He smears honey on his penis, puts it in the woman, but instead of waiting for the bee to sit down and slowly pulling his dick out, he is going in and out. As he gets faster and faster, the woman starts asking: "Excuse me, but did'nt you say, you should pull it out slowly after the bee..? "Well." says the gynecologist. "I made up my mind, i'll just shoot it"


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