Wednesday, June 28, 2017

Little Johnny's Silver Dollar

Little Johnny was on his way home from Grandpa's house. Grandpa had given him a silver dollar and Johnny was flicking it into the air and then catching it as he walked along. Suddenly he dropped the dollar, which rolled into an alley where it was snatched up by an old filthy drug addict female. She would not give the coin back and a struggle ensued. In order to use both hands to fend Johnny off, the fiendish druggie reached under her rags and deposited the coin in her scabby snatch. Johnny managed to land a few blows which disoriented the woman long enough for Johnny to reach into those rags and root around for his money. The moment he found the money, she came around and started to struggle with Johnny again. Now Johnny was at a disadvantage and thinking quickly, but not clearly, he put the Dollar in his mouth to keep it safe. With both hands free he was soon able to get way from her and managed to run away. After a few blocks of running he thought there was something strange happening, as if the dollar was getting smaller. When he took it out of his mouth he realised that it was not a silver dollar, but a blood-clot.


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