Friday, June 3, 2016

What Your Leftist Ideology Says About You [xpost /r/socialism]

Marxist-Leninism: You've probably defended the USSR in an internet argument. Everyone but you is dogmatic and sectarian and can't get over difference in ideology, especially the Anarchists.

Democratic Socialist: You're new to socialism, you get offended if you're called a Commie.

Anarcho-Communism: You've probably read the Conquest of Bread over five hundred times, you have a copy in every room. One's probably bound in FauxLeather™.

Noam Chomsky: You're peak liberal and believe petitions work. Why do you think you're an anarchist? What...what even?

Trotskyism: You like Lenin but think MLs are really authoritarian. You've probably made your own successor group to the 4th Internationale. All the leftists make fun of you behind your back. Including you.

Maoism: The same as Marxist-Leninism but you're even more of a tankie somehow, you probably at least passively support the DPRK.

Hoxhaism: Marxist-Leninism is revisionism, and so is everything else. Hoxha is love, Hoxha is life. Also no one can touch your dialectics, its hidden under seven thousand bunkers. Georgism:What the fuck? You still exist?

Social-Democrat: You think you're a socialist, you're really, really not. You probably jerk it to the Nordic Model and say #FeelTheBern unironically.

Post Leftist: No you can't vape in here, get the fuck out of my office.


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