Friday, April 14, 2017

A Gynecologist Retires

A gynecologist retires and she goes into a night school to learn auto mechanics. She thoroughly enjoys school and has her finals. The instructor tells the class to check for their grades online in a week.

She waits and checks and she sees that she earned a 150% grade. Puzzled, she goes back to the school to ask the instructor whether this is a typo.

"It's not a typo" says the instructor.

"then what gives?" She asks.

The instructor elaborates: "well, remember that there were two components, theory and practice; you had to describe how to break an engine apart and reassembling it, and then you had to do it to a mounted engine in a car. That's 50 and 50."

"Then what about the extra 50?" She asks.

"Ma'am, a bunch of you guys aced the exam, but you and only you did it through the exhaust pipe."


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