Thursday, June 1, 2017

The Boy With The 25 Inches Long Penis ...

The boy with the 25 inches long penis decided that he had had way too much. He was now fed up of being the subject of constant jokes of his friends, relatives and many-a-times, complete strangers.

There was a time when he was proud of his unusually long penis, thinking of it as an indicator of much masculinity. But that was few years ago. He had heard that most women liked it big, and was excited for his first time, but was severely disappointed when his then girlfriend had been so terrified after unzipping his pants, that she had straightway declined to even touch it. He had now come to realize that there is such a thing as a too large penis.

So now, the boy, deciding that he had had enough, packed his bags and set out on a journey to find a way to reduce the size of his penis. After months of wandering around and seeking for a solution to his problem, he was told of a wise man who could most definitely solve his problem because, the legend said, the wise man had never ever failed to that day.

After a long and an arduous journey, he found the man he was looking for. The wise man heard his tale and gave him the directions to a lake. He told the boy that on reaching the lake, he was to raise his voice and say his name. If he was lucky he would be answered by a mermaid. He was to ask the mermaid to marry him. That, according to the wise man, would solve his problems.

The boy followed the path the wise man had given him and in a few days, he reached the lake. Quite a few times, he called his name loudly over the silence. Nothing happened. Just when he was disappointed, and thought that his entire journey had been in vain, a beautiful mermaid appeared out of the water and sat on the stone at the edge of the lake.

Smiling, the mermaid asked, "How may I help you, human?"

Excited, the boy hurriedly asked her that what he was supposed to ask, "O dear mermaid, will you marry me?"

The mermaid, still smiling, simply said, "No."

Suddenly, the boy's penis was reduced from 25 inches to 20 inches. Tears of happiness welled through his eyes. But even through this intense happiness, the boy found himself thinking, 20 inches is better than 25, but 15 would be even great.

Thus, he asked the mermaid again, "Will you marry me?"

The mermaid's smile faded a little, but even so, she replied curtly, "No."

The boy's penis reduced from 20 inches to 15 inches. Now, again, he thought, 15 inches is better still, but a 10 inches penis would be ideal. A 10 inches penis would be perfect.

Thus, he asked the mermaid again, "Will you marry me?"

The mermaid, now visibly frowning, and clearly annoyed, replied in an irritated voice, "How many times do I have to say that to you?! No! No! No!"


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