Thursday, June 1, 2017

The Tale Of Noah, His Ark And 2 Mathematical Snakes

The floods had just receded following the great flood which lasted 40 days and 40 night. Noah stepped off the Ark, announcing to all the animals, "go now from the ark, go forth! Be fruitful multiply!" Under Noah's command, the animals left the ark two by two in their pairs, and did which Noah commanded. Many months passed, and upon the landscape were many horses, many birds, many rabbits, foxes, hares, all which crawled, flew and galloped. But Noah saw that something was not right. Noah saw two snakes within a tree, and only two snakes. They were both on opposite branches, and looked somewhat disconnected from each other. Noah approached the pair on snakes and asked "what is wrong, snakes? Why have you not multiplied, as I commanded?" Having heard this, the snakes responded in unison "you must cut down this tree if we are to be fruitful. Please cut down this tree and leave it on the ground." Noah, confused, cuts down the large oak tree within which the snakes had been curled around. Having cut down the tree Noah left, hoping to return to a multitude of snakes. It took many weeks upon months, but eventually the snakes produced a small number of young. The snakes requested to Noah that they cut down more trees. Noah obliged. After many trees were cut down, Noah asked the snakes in bewilderment, "snakes, why is it that you need to have trees be cut down to produce children? I ask you to go forth and multiply, but you have me cutting down trees!" The snakes look at each other, and reply "we need you to cut down trees for us to be both fruitful and to multiply." Noah replies "but why is it so I am cutting down precious trees for you to produce young?" One of the snakes pulls Noah aside and whispers to him "Noah, we respect you, but it is an embarrassing topic to talk about our sexual behaviour." "All I ask if the reason why you have me cutting down trees, snake!" The snake replies "we're adders. We need logs to multiply."


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