Tuesday, August 29, 2017

An Inspector Visits The Sewers

and meets a worker under ground.

The men get to talking when the worker explains he can identify peoples turd's floating down the sewer. The inspector is doubtful of this and demands a demonstration of the workers talent.

The worker looks up the sewer and says, do you see that one coming down now? The inspector says he can see it.

Worker: Well that belongs to the butcher

Inspector: How can you tell

Worker: See the sawdust in it? He uses that to clean his store and it sometimes gets in the food

Inspector: Thats very observant of you. What about this one floating past us now?

Worker: That belongs to the local farmer. Its full of corn and in this drought he can only afford to eat he's own crop.

Inspector: That's incredible, you sure know your shit.

Worker: Oh look inspector, here comes my wife's turd. She shits at 1pm everyday!

Inspector: And that is how you know its hers?

Worker: No inspector. It has my lunch tied to it.


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