Wednesday, August 30, 2017

Erectile Dysfunction

Tom had erectile dysfunction from years had gone to different doctors to resolve his problem but hadn't been able to. The words spread over the village that a doctor had brought a miraculous medicine from overseas and could solve his problem. So he went to see the doctor and he prescribed him a teaspoon of the miraculous medicine before having sex.Happy about the fact that he could have sex with his wife after many year Tom drank the whole bottle before entering his house. He enters his house with a huge boner takes his wife from behind and start making love to her once, twice over the night and the following morning but he wanted more and more. His wife left the house in terror as she couldn't go on.Tom proceeded masturbating but still wanted more and more so long story short armed with a gun he f*cked everyone in the village including children,man,nuns,priests and even cows,goats so pretty much everything that could move without being able to stop.Knowing his problem Tom went to the same doctor that prescribed the medicine to him asking for a solution. In the meantime the village gathered to discuss the big problem they had with Tom.So the doctor revealed Tom tha there was only one solution for his problem and he should take a car battery and connect the opposing poles to his penis. So Tom went out of the doctors office took the JumpStart cable and connected it to the tip and balls.As in the Frankenstein's movie the people went to kill him with everything they could find. As the man got closer to Tom they heard a horrible screaming followed by the words "RUN FOR YOUR LIVES HE IS RECHARGING IT". Sorry for the bad English not my native language.


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