Saturday, June 3, 2017

A Piece Of String Walks Into A Bar...

A piece of string walks into a bar and sits at the counter. The bartender wanders over and says "I'm sorry, sir, but we don't serve pieces of string here, you'll have to leave" Dejected, the string leaves the bar and sits on the curb outside. He watches the door and sees a large fat man walk in, followed by an old hippie with long flowing hair. He thinks to himself "That's it! This isn't a string bar, it's a person bar! I just need to look more like a person!" So he twists about and ties himself into a hefty knot. Then he ruffles and tussles the ends of his yarns fraying the tips to look more like hair. Content with his new look he walks back into the bar and sits on a stool. The bartender comes back over and levels an eye at the string and asks him sternly "Are you that same piece of string I just had to throw out of here?"

"Nope. I'm a frayed knot"


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