Tuesday, January 26, 2016

I Remembered My Favourite Joke About Islam Last Night And I Had A Giggle, So I'm Gonna Share It:

A Christian man and his wife were driving through a known Muslim country that had ISIS activity throughout it. They weren't happy, but they had to get through the country to get somewhere. So they're driving along and suddenly they're stopped by a group of people they can immediately identify as members of ISIS- they have outwardly Muslim appearance and are carrying large guns. After shouting at the man in Arabic, one of them addresses him in English:

"You! Are you Muslim? Are you with Allah?"

The husband panics and agrees- "Yes! I am a good Muslim man! Please, let me pass!"

The ISIS members wave them on, and they continue driving. The wife freaks out, and says,

"Are you kidding! We don't know anything about Islam or the Qur'an! What if they'd asked us about it, we would have been caught out immediately!"

The husband laughs and says, "Dear, if they'd read the Qur'an, they wouldn't be in ISIS!"


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