Monday, January 25, 2016

Three Men Are Lost In The Woods

and they grow very hungry. After sitting around listening to their tummies rumble the first man gets up on his feet and says "That's it! I'm going out there and getting us some food!"

After an hour he comes back with a dead rabbit in his hands.

"Holy cow!" the other two say, "How'd you find that rabbit!"

"Well, I followed the tracks and found a rabbit" the first man explained.

The next day the second man goes out to fetch the trio some grub. Three hours later he returns dragging a deer behind him.

"Wowzers!" the other two exclaim, "How'd you find that deer?"

"Well, I followed the tracks and found a deer" the second man explained.

The next day the third man goes out in hopes of providing a meal for himself and his friends. He is gone for half of the day and the other two begin to worry. Eventually the third man returns empty handed, and he is bleeding pretty bad.

"Woah man, what happened?" The other two ask.

"Well, I followed the tracks and I found a train."


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