Tuesday, March 22, 2016
Two Guys Apply For A Job....(NSFW)
Two guys apply for a job, both equally suited.
Boss says "only one way to settle this. Ill pick a word in the dictionary and whomever makes the best rhyme wins. Word is 'Tenbucktwo'."
First guy says "see the desert, see the sand, see the traveling caravan. Camels walking two by two, destination Tenbucktwo."
Boss said, "wow, you won!" But the other guy objects "no, sir, you have to give me a chance!"
Boss says "ok, but it'll be hard to beat that."
Other guy thinks for a second and says, "ummm....uhhh...Uh-campin', Tim and I went, when we come upon three whores in a tent. Well, the whores being three, and Tim and I being two, I bucked one and Timbuckedtwo."
Who do you think got the job?
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