Saturday, August 5, 2017

How To Get Women To Notice You *Results May Vary*

A man lives on a farm with his wife and son. One night, the man wakes up and hears loud honks outside. He grabs his shotgun and makes his way outside.

He approaches the barn, and he can hear the noise getting louder.

As he rounds the corner, he sees his son, fully naked, thrusting into the the family's John Deere.

"Jesus Christ, son, what the hell are you doing!" he asks.

His son, embarrassed, turns around.

"Well, dad, there's this girl I really like, and....y'know, I'm trying to get her to notice me."

"So? What does that have to do with anything?"

"Well, I went to the doctor, and I asked what I should do."

"And he told you to do this!?"

"Yeah. He said I should do something sexy to a tractor."


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