Monday, August 28, 2017

Man On Vacation In Scotland Visits Pub...

And is greeted at the door by a man named Angus. Angus looks at the guy and says," My name's Angus. You see that house over there, I built it. But they don't call me Angus the house builder. " the man nods and walks on past him and heads over to the counter. A few minutes later Angus approaches him and says " You see that bridge over there, I built it. But they don't call me Angus the Bridge Builder. " At this point the man is getting annoyed, but remaining polite doesn't say anything, and just nods in approval. After a few more drinks, Angus approaches the man again and says," You see that fence over there, I built it. But they don't call me Angus the fence builder." The man very annoyed replies,"Alright Angus, what the fuck do they call you then?" Angus responds,"You fuck one sheep."


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