Sunday, August 20, 2017

The Hypnotist

A woman, self conscious about her small breasts, goes to see a plastic surgeon one day. The doctor tells her that he would like to try a different course of treatment and would like to refer her to a hypnotist. "I think you could benefit from a non surgical approach", he says, "instead of surgery he hypnotizes the body part you need changed!" Doubtfully she checks it out. The hypnotist sits her down, puts her in a trance and gives her instructions she'll remember any time she feels self conscious. After the session she leaves and heads to the store. She's shopping when she sees an attractive blonde and suddenly she's compelled to flap her arms and says "Mary had a little chest that made her feel so low, but every time she flapped her arms, her tits began to grow." And just like that they increased in size! A man walks up to her after seeing this and asks "did you go to see that corrective hypnotist guy?" "Yes" she replied "how did you know?" Knocking his knees together he chants "hickory dickory dock!"


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