Sunday, August 6, 2017

Wrote This One Myself (it's A Long One But It's Good)

There's a man who's decided to redo his bathroom. He's going with an all red theme; red sink, red countertop, red toilet. The whole shabang. He starts first with the red countertop, then he installs the red sinks and toilet, then he finally starts laying the tiles. The ground tiles are laid first, followed by the wall tiles. Eventually there is only 1 tile left to be laid. The man does just as he did for all the other tiles and coats the wall section in cement. He then places the tile on the section and holds it for a moment. But this time when he lets go the tile falls to the ground. So he puts a little more cement on the wall and tries again, holding longer. But the tile falls off again. Frustrated, the man calls up his contractor for assistance. "Hey man I might need your help". "Yeah sure, what is it?". "I've got this tile I'm laying down and I just can't seem to get it to stay up". "Alright I'll come take a look at it" So the man's contractor comes over, and starts in the same way. Placing the tile up on the wall only for it to fall down. Then laying down more cement and trying again. After seeing this the contractor says " I think I know what your problem is". "What is it?" "You have aredtile dysfunction".

I'm sorry


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