Tuesday, July 28, 2015

Reporter Doing An Interview

A famous TV reporter was doing a report on location in Uzbekistan about the local customs of the people of Uzbekistan. During his report he interviewed one of the local town elders and asked him:

"Tell me a story about somthing that has happened in your life that you will never ever forget as long as you live".

The old man laughed, and began to tell the story.

"One day, a long, long time ago I lost my goat on that mountain. As is the local custom, all of the men in the village got together to smoke the magic herb and we went up the mountain to find the goat. When we finally found the goat - as per our custom - we all smoked more of the magic herb and each man, one at a time had sex with the found goat. It was quite a scene."

The reporter was shocked, to say the least. But he pressed on... "I'm very sorry, sir... but I don't think our network can air that story. Perhaps you have another story with a happy ending that you could share with us?"

The old man laughed and said, "Ok, ok.... I have a better story for you that has a happy ending..... One day, a long, long time ago my neighbor lost his wife up on that mountain. As is the local custom, all of the men in the village got together to smoke the magic herb and we went up the mountain to find our neighbor's wife. When we finally found her - as per our custom - we all smoked more of the magic herb and each man, one at a time had sex with her. It was the best time of my life! What a party that was!"

The reporter was taken aback, shocked. He was getting frustrated and finally asked the old man "Let's try a different angle... Maybe you can tell me about somthing extremely sad that has happend to you that you will never forget as long as you live?"

The old man lowered his head, and tears began to swell in his eyes..... he paused momentarily, then said:

"One day, a long, long time ago I got lost on that mountain..."


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