Sunday, April 17, 2016

The Seven Dwarfs Go To Rome To See The Pope...

Since they are the famous Seven Dwarfs they taken to see the Pope immediately. The Pope greets the dwarfs and Dopey who is leading the group say "Your most high excellence, we have traveled far for you wisdom. Are there any midget nuns in Rome?"

The Pope looks at the dwarfs curiously and responds "No Dopey, there are no midget nuns in Rome." The dwarfs start to giggle a little and Dopey turns and quiets them down. He turns back to the Pope and asks "Your most high excellence, ever wise leader...are there any midget nuns in Europe?"

Again the Pope looks at the dwarfs and says "No Dopey, there are no midget nuns in Europe." This time the dwarfs laugh much louder and start whispering among themselves. Dopey turns to them and yells "Stop laughing!" Dopey looks at the Pope with a very serious face and says "Great, wise, excellent Pope...are there any midget nuns ANYWHERE in the world?" Again the Pope looks at Dopey with an equally serious face
"Dopey, there are no midget nuns ANYWHERE in the world."

At this point the dwarfs start howling with laughter and chant "Dopey fucked a penguin!...Dopey fucked a penguin!!"


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