Monday, November 28, 2016

A Hot Day (nsfw Maybe?)

One hot summer day there was this fly sitting on a branch over a stream. In the stream there was a fish that thought if that fly moves down 6 inches I could jump out of the water and get the fly.  

On shore there was a bear watching this and thought if that fly moves down 6 inches and the fish jumps out of the water I could grab that fish for a nice meal today.  

A few yards behind the beat there was a hunter having lunch watching all this who thought if that fly moves down 6 inches and the fish jumps out of the and the bear reaches to grab that fish I could shoot the bear for a nice trophy today.  

Behind the hunter there was a mouse watching all this and thought if that fly moves down 6 inches and the fish jumps out of the and the bear reaches to grab that fish and the hunter went to shoot the bear he would have to put his sandwich down and I could grab it for a nice meal today.  

Behind the mouse there was a cat watching all this and thought if that fly moves down 6 inches and the fish jumps out of the and the bear reaches to grab that fish and the hunter went to shoot the bear and the mouse went for the sandwich I could grab the mouse and have a nice meal today.  

Well, just about that time it got too hot for the fly soooo the fly moved down 6 inches and the fish jumped out of the and the bear reached to grab that fish and the hunter went to shoot the bear and the mouse went for the sandwich and the cat pounced for the mouse. To make a long story short the cat missed, rolled into the river and drowned to death.  

Moral of this story? When a fly moves down 6 inches a pussy is in danger.


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