Saturday, August 12, 2017

This Joke Works Better Told Than Read. There Are 15 Boxes In An Airplane. One Falls Out. How Many Are Left?


How do you put an elephant inside a refrigerator in 3 steps?

  1. open the door
  2. put the elephant in
  3. close the door

How do you put a giraffe inside a refrigerator in 4 steps?

  1. open the door
  2. remove the elephant
  3. put in the giraffe
  4. close the door

An animal party is being thrown at Lilly the Lion's house. Every animal was invited. Every animal came, except for one. Which animal didn't come?

The giraffe. He was stuck in a refrigerator

An old man is walking along a nature path, enjoying his last years on earth. A warning sign appears, warning about the dangerous man eating crocodiles in the river ahead. He gets to the river, to find out there is no bridge! He looks left, he looks right, but his feet are quite tired and he doesn't feel like looking for a bridge, log, or anything to get him across without going in the river. So, he removes his socks and shoes and walks across the dirty river.
Why didn't the crocodiles attack him?

They were still at the animal party.

As the old man finally gets across, he becomes quite tired, and rests. He shouldn't have pushed himself so much, walking along such a long trail. When he gets up to continue, he dies suddenly. How did he die?

A box fell out of an airplane and killed him.


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