Saturday, August 12, 2017


A man and woman get married and have never spent the night together. In the honeymoon sweet the wife is way to horny and excited to wait any longer. She pushes her husband on to the bed and starts pulling off his shoes then socks...and screamed! "Oh god what happened your feet???" "I had tolio as a child" he said "You mean polio?" "No. Tolio. I got freaky curled up toes from it"

She shrugged and started gettin into it again, and pulled off his trousers and screamed...he had the knoblliest twisted knees imaginable. "What happened your knees!?!?!" "I caught the kneasles when I was a kid" "You mean measles?" "No" he said. "Kneasles. It wrecked my joints"

So she got on with it and pulled off his pants and cried "Oh god! You got the small cox too!!!"


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