Monday, November 7, 2016

So, Man Dies And Goes To Heaven...

He's greeted by this one person. Person goes: 'Now that you're here, would you like to take a look around heaven?'

Man says: 'Yes, I would.'

So, the person shows our man around. There seem to be people grouped into sections. Our man asks: 'Who're them lot?'

Person showing him around points them all out and says: 'Oh, those are the Muslims, the Jews, the Hindus, the Anglicans, and so on.'

Man nods his head and goes along with the tour, until he comes up to a wall. When he gets there, he asks: 'What's this for then? What's on the other side?'

Person showing him around goes: 'Oh, we don't talk about that.'

Man asks: 'Why? What's on the other side?'

Person replies: 'Shhh! There's Catholics there. They like to think they're the only ones here!'

Courtesy of the legendary Dave Allen.


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