Wednesday, January 25, 2017

So There Are 3 Scientists In A Lab Studying Flies...

There are 3 scientists in a lab studying flies. The first scientist grabs a fly from the jar, rips off its antennae, and says "Fly, fly!". The fly flies around the room, then lands back on the table. The scientists writes down in his journal: "Fly can fly without antennae"

The next scientist grabs a fly from the jar, rips off its legs, and says "Fly, fly!" The fly flies around the room, then skids back down onto the table. The scientist writes down in his journal: "Fly can fly without legs."

The third scientist puts his fly on the table, rips off its wings, and says "Fly, fly!" The fly doesn't move. The scientist says again, louder, "Fly, fly!". The fly just hops around a little bit. So the scientist writes down in his journal: "Fly can't hear without wings."


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