Thursday, September 24, 2015

A Tourist In Egypt Is Walking Through The Desert...

A Tourist in Egypt is walking through the desert on his way from one Oasis to another.

After a while, he spots a man, sitting in the middle of the desert, looking like he was holding on to an invisible steering wheel, and loudly going "Vroom! Vrooooom!!". Confused, he stepped closer. "Excuse me, Sir", the tourist asked, "What are you doing here?"

"Don't you see?", the man replies, "I am in the middle of a Desert Race! Better get out of the way so I don't drive you over! Vrooooom!!". The tourist just shakes his head, and leaves the man be. Poor guy, the heat must have made him go nuts. He continues his journey.

After 100 meters, he sees another man, sitting in the desert, going "Vroooooooom! Screeech! Vromvroooom!". Again, he steps closer, and asks "What are you doing here?"

"I'm in a desert race! Obviously! You seem confused, man, don't let the heat get to you! Stay Hydrated! Vrooom! Vroooooom!"

Even more confused, the tourist keeps walking. After another 100 meters, again, he sees a man sitting in the sand. But this one is different. He just sits there calmly, reading a newspaper while taking an occasional sip out of a water bottle. Relieved, the tourist approaches the man and greets him "I'm so glad to see a normal person around. Like, can you imagine, just 100 meters from here they are doing a desert race..."

The man interrups him and throws his newspaper away. "Holy shit, I didn't know they are that close already! Vroomvroooooom, Vrooom!"


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