Tuesday, September 8, 2015

The Wife Asks If Her Husband Cheated On Her

After retiring the wife asks if her husband cheated on him..

"John be honest with me have u ever slept with someone behind my back, I will still be with you and love you"

"No never. But what about you, have you slept with anyone, tell me the truth and nothing will happen."

the wife says "Yes Johnny but only three times, and it was for our own good, the first time was when we wanted a house and we couldn't get the mortgage, and then next day.. we had the house we wanted :)"

John says "well that was for our house if you haven't done what uve done then we wouldn't live here, what about the second time?"

"Johnny remember when the bank wouldn't lend you money for the business, and then the next day it was all okay, thats when"

"I guess thats acceptable, but what about the third time"

"WEll Johnny.. The third time happened when you were running for mayor and you needed about 200 votes"

John: -__-


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