Tuesday, September 22, 2015

Two Old Ladies Are Walking Down The Street. It's Hot, They're Sweaty.

The first old lady says, "If you take your panties off, you'll cool down faster." The second old lady says, "Bullshit."

They keep walking down the road. It's still hot, they're sweaty. They see a third old lady sitting on her front porch. She's got a dress on, legs spread open, and she's got a turkey leg in her hand. The first old lady says, "Ya see, she's got no panties on, I bet she's cooler than you." The second old lady says, "Bullshit." The first old lady says, "Well why don't you go ask her."

So the second old lady goes up to her and says "Let me ask you a question. Do you think that you're cooler than me because you don't have any panties on? The third old lady says, "I don't know if I'm cooler than you, but it definitely helps keep the flies off my turkey leg."


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