Tuesday, September 22, 2015

What You Got There!? (Sorry Probably Horrible Editing, From Phone)

A young boy is walking down the street carrying chicken wire, there's an old man sitting in his porch watching him. "Hey, boy, what you got there?"

"chicken wire". Replys the boy.

"What you gunna do with that chicken wire?" Asks the old man.

"Catch me some chickens."

"You can't catch chickens with chicken wire." The old man yells. The boy just shrugs his shoulders and keeps walking. A while passes and the boy comes walking back carrying 3 chickens. The old man sees him and shakes his head.

The next day, the boy passes by again carrying duct tape.

"Hey boy, what you got there?" The old man asks.

"Duct tape, I'm going to catch me some ducks!"

The old man shakes his head, "you can't catch ducks with duct tape!"

The boy just continues on his way. Returning after a short while carrying 4 ducks. The old man sees him and shakes his head.

The following day the boy walks by dragging a long sick. The old man squinting looking at the boy, "hey boy, what you got now!?"

"This a branch from the pussy willow tree!"

The old man jumps up, "Hold on right there, Let me get my hat, im going with ya!!!"


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