Wednesday, December 30, 2015

Once There Was A Guy Named Jim Sloan...

He had a very interesting pet in town. His pet was a rock named Teddy who allegedly could move on his own and loved to eat sugar. There was another man in the same town named James . James had a pet too but his pet was an Iguana. This Iguana was named Kate. James was also Jim's long time rival in the town. One day, James challenged Jim to a race between their pets. Jim of course only makes his income through his pet rock so of course he obliges. Everyone in town hears about it and all bet on Kate winning obviously. Jim is bets all of his money. So finally the day of the race comes and Teddy and Kate are both standing at start. Jim places a bowl of sugar at the finish line so Teddy can win the race. The starting gun is fired and Kate runs off. Of course Teddy doesn't move. When Kate is a 1/3 of the way to the finish line Jim goes up to Teddy and whispers "Teddy I have a bowl of sugar at the finish line ok so you can start moving now." Obviously Teddy doesn't budge. Then Kate is 2/3 of the way there and Teddy hasn't moved at all. So Jim whispers to Teddy "Teddy if you don't move I will take a hammer and smash you to pieces." Then all of a sudden Teddy appears at the finish line and is eating sugar before Kate can reach. Everyone is astonished because they all just lost their money and saw a rock win a race. Jim collects the money and begins to take his rock home when James asks "Hey Jim how did your rock win." And Jim looks to him and says, "You know what they say, Sloan's Teddy always wins the race."


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