Saturday, July 22, 2017

The Small Skulled Boss (nsfw)

So, I'd been working at my company for a while (I won't say which one, but you probably have used their product today). Yesterday, the CEO of the company came into our department and had a sit down with me. When I first met him, the first thing I noticed was the size of his head. It was the size of a baby's head. It was all I could do to keep from staring. After our meeting, he invited me and my co-workers out for drinks and after about six shots I finally got the courage to ask him about his tiny noggin.

He laughs and says "You caught me in a good mood. I will tell you the story. About ten years ago I was fishing in the Gulf of Mexico all by myself and I caught myself a mermaid. She told me that if I let her go, she would give me three wishes. I, of course, let her go. I asked to be a rich man as my first wish and she made me the CEO of this company. I asked to have luck with the ladies whenever I wanted. In retrospect that was a wasted wish because the money takes care of that anyways. Well, the problem came with my third wish. I asked to fuck her and she said 'I would, but unfortunately, I am not equipped for that,' to which I replied......... How about a little head?"


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