Friday, August 28, 2015

A Man Is Walking Down The Street, Hammered Drunk...

and he finishes off his 40 oz and throws it down to the ground. He looks up and stops suddenly, there's now a man standing before him.

"I thank you, mortal," says the man, "for you have freed me from my imprisonment when you broke that bottle."

The drunken man looks confused.

"I see you must not know who I am, it is I Percy the Genie, and in my debt of gratitude I will offer you the chance to barter for three wishes."

What luck! thinks the man, he has been hoping for some positive changes in his life.

"Okay for my first wish," says the man, "I want a steady paycheck, 10 million a year, so I can pursue my hobbies."

"Alright," says the genie, "10 million a year will be yours, but, as a meager cost you are to allow me to have dinner at your house tonight."

That's a great deal. "Next," says the man, "I want four new Lamborghini's so I can ride in style."

"Alright," says the Genie, "So it will be, but you have to let me sleep in your house tonight."

"Okay, and lastly, I want a big mansion all to myself in the hills, where it is peaceful and quiet and beautiful."

"Sure," says the genie, "but in exchange I need to demand something very particular. You can have your mansion, but I want a night of passion with your wife. You see I haven't slept with a woman in a thousand years. I will sleep with your wife tonight, and you will find a room at the nearest hotel. When you wake you will be in your mansion."

So the man tells the Genie his address and calls home to let his wife know the accommodations she is to have for him. He finds the nearest hotel and passes out as soon as he steps into his room.

Later that night the Genie is laying in bed with the man's wife in bed after an extremely kinky session.

"Wow- I can not believe he would sell my body like that..." the wife says.

"You know what I can't believe?" asks the genie.

"What?" she asks.

"That your husband still believes in genies."


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