Sunday, August 30, 2015

The President Of The United States And The Prime Minister Of China Are Comparing Their Bodyguards.

The president orders his secret service agent to jump off a 40 foot platform. The agent heisitates and does so.

The prime minister immediately orders his bodyguard to do the same. The guard jumps without batting an eye.

The president, feeling a little defeated, orders his bodyguard to jump off a hundred foot platform. The agent turns to the president and, with teary eyes, pleads:"Mister president, please don't do this, I have a family!"

The president hesitates and retracts his order. The chinese minister snorts and orders the same to his body guard.The chinese bodyguard starts climbing without a second thought. The president grabs his arm and says, "Wait man, this is too much! You don't have to do this!"

The chinese bodygaurd shakes off his arm and says:"Mister president, please don't, I have family."



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